
welcome to my personal net!

about the site

like many of those on neocities, I'm firmly anti-web bloat. That term is actually very new to me - i just knew that i hated clickbait search results, webpages that took forever to load with hundreds of adds and trackers and the ever increasing sanitation and corporatization of the web and the tranformation of everything into squeaky clean SEO word salad. when i was a kid, the internet took me to interesting places and i was in awe of the amount of information and different personalities i would come across. i always attributed that loss of wonder to just growing older and being more familiar with the internet but no - turns out there are places that still inspire whimsy and wonder, which i found out by stumbling upon the "personal web" by accident. websites used to be made by people, not corporations. the internet was a great place before they commodified the web, so i'm trying to do my part to recapture some of the magic.

about me

he/him. a system administrator by profession, a molecular biologist by education, a terrible musician by my own volition and a voracious reader by definition. anti-capitalist. eco doomer.

about my username

i came up with mouseblood because i have an autoimmune disease that requires i get infusions of a monoclonal antibody made with chimeric mouse proteins. technically there's mouse proteins in my blood. it also sounds sick af. gang gang.

the background image of this page was made by the fantastic 1041uuu!

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